2020, ISBN: 9783110522150
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2020, ISBN: 9783110522150
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ISBN: 9783110522150
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ISBN: 9783110522150
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2020, ISBN: 9783110522150
eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), [PU: De Gruyter], Seiten: 598, [ED: 1], De Gruyter, 2020
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2020, ISBN: 9783110522150
eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), Auflage, [PU: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG], Seiten: 598, [ED: 1], Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG, 2020
2020, ISBN: 9783110522150
eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), Auflage, [PU: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG], [ED: 1], Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG, 2020

ISBN: 9783110522150
Manuale di linguistica ladina: ab 209.99 € eBooks > Fachthemen & Wissenschaft > Sprachwissenschaften Gruyter Walter de GmbH eBook als pdf, Gruyter Walter de GmbH

ISBN: 9783110522150
De Gruyter Linguistics , UK,GB,DE,ES,FR,IT,US,CA,MX,AU,NZ 20200309 Italian Languages & Linguistics 1, De Gruyter
2020, ISBN: 9783110522150
eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), [PU: De Gruyter], Seiten: 598, [ED: 1], De Gruyter, 2020
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Informations détaillées sur le livre - Manuale di linguistica ladina
EAN (ISBN-13): 9783110522150
Date de parution: 2020
Editeur: De Gruyter
Livre dans la base de données depuis 2021-04-02T10:29:32+02:00 (Paris)
Livre trouvé récemment le 2024-08-21T18:46:07+02:00 (Paris)
ISBN/EAN: 9783110522150
ISBN - Autres types d'écriture:
Autres types d'écriture et termes associés:
Auteur du livre: paul videsott
Titre du livre: manuale, linguistica
Données de l'éditeur
Auteur: Paul Videsott; Ruth Videsott; Jan Casalicchio
Titre: Manuals of Romance Linguistics; Manuale di linguistica ladina
Editeur: de Gruyter Mouton
588 Pages
Date de parution: 2020-03-09
Langue: Italien
260,00 € (DE)
260,00 € (AT)
3 b/w and 13 col. ill., 38 b/w tbl.
EA; E107; Nonbooks, PBS / Sprachwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft/Romanische Sprachwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft; Verstehen; FOR013000 FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Italian; LAN009010 LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Historical & Comparative; Linguistics; Historical & comparative linguistics; Minderheitensprache; Dolomitenladinisch; Rätoromanische Sprache; Ladinische Varietät (Brixen, Tirol); Ladin linguistics; Rhaeto-Romance languages; Dolomitic Ladin; Ladin varieties of Brixen-Tyrol; minority languages; Welt; EA; BB
This handbook, the first to focus specifically on the varieties of Ladin spoken in the Brixen-Tyrol area, intends to provide a systematic, up-to-date overview of research in Ladin linguistics, taking into account both traditional research questions (internal and external language history; specific linguistic traits; classification) and new areas of research (corpus linguistics; neurolinguistics; the teaching of Ladin in a multilingual context; Ladin in the mass media and in social networks).
The volume is divided into three main thematic parts. The first part deals with Ladin as a linguistic system, covering its history, evolution, and present-day characteristics. The second parts discusses Ladin as a means of communication that plays a crucial role in forming the identity of its speakers. This particular identity is characterized, at least since the second half of the twentieth century, by a highly complex degree of multilingualism, which will be described in its various aspects. The third part addresses Ladin as an object of linguistic research. The volume is completed by a detailed index.
This handbook, the first to focus specifically on the varieties of Ladin spoken in the Brixen-Tyrol area, intends to provide a systematic, up-to-date overview of research in Ladin linguistics, taking into account both traditional research questions (internal and external language history; specific linguistic traits; classification) and new areas of research (corpus linguistics; neurolinguistics; the teaching of Ladin in a multilingual context; Ladin in the mass media and in social networks).
The volume is divided into three main thematic parts. The first part deals with Ladin as a linguistic system, covering its history, evolution, and present-day characteristics. The second parts discusses Ladin as a means of communication that plays a crucial role in forming the identity of its speakers. This particular identity is characterized, at least since the second half of the twentieth century, by a highly complex degree of multilingualism, which will be described in its various aspects. The third part addresses Ladin as an object of linguistic research. The volume is completed by a detailed index.
Questo manuale – il primo dedicato specificamente al ladino brissino-tirolese – vuole fornire sia un quadro d’insieme attualizzato riguardo ai vari aspetti tradizionali della ricerca sul ladino (storia linguistica interna e esterna, caratteristiche linguistiche, classificazione), sia dare conto di ambiti di ricerca nuovi nella ladinistica, tra l’altro la linguistica dei corpus, la neurolinguistica, la didattica del ladino in un contesto plurilingue oppure il ladino nei mass-media e nei social network. Il volume è organizzato attorno a tre blocchi tematici. Il primo presenta il ladino in quanto sistema linguistico con le sue caratteristiche in sincronia e diacronia. Il secondo è focalizzato sul ladino in quanto mezzo di comunicazione e simbolo identitario della etnia che lo parla. Questa particolare identità è caratterizzata almeno dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale in poi anche da un grado di plurilinguismo molto elevato, descritto nei suoi vari aspetti. Il terzo blocco è dedicato al ladino in quanto oggetto di studio linguistico. Il volume si conclude con due indici, degli autori citati e dei concetti trattati.
Paul Videsott Ruth Videsott Jan Casalicchio Paul Videsott Ruth Videsott Jan CasalicchioAutres livres qui pourraient ressembler au livre recherché:
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