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P. Ettel, A.-M. Flambard Hericher, T.E. McNeill (eds.);:

Actes du colloque international de Stirling (Ecosse). 2008. Chateau et representations, - Livres de poche

2010, ISBN: 9782902685776

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Trade Paperback. Publisher: Bergman Polymer Corrosion AB | Utg. 2020 | Trade Paperback | 245 sidor ; illustrationer, kartor ; 30 cm | This book is brand new. | Language: Svenska --- Info… Plus…

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P. Ettel, A.-M. Flambard Hericher, T.E. McNeill (eds.);:

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De Walburg Pers, 1978. HARDCOVER . n.p. z/w gravures 17 x 26 x 7 cm (Ornam. en verguld kunstleer). ZEER GOED / ALS NIEUW, 1978, 0, 2004. Erstausgabe, Salzburg, Aaron Art, 2004, 2°, … Plus…

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P. Ettel, A.-M. Flambard Hericher, T.E. McNeill (eds.):
Actes du colloque international de Stirling (Ecosse). 2008. Chateau et representations - edition reliée, livre de poche


ISBN: 9782902685776

Hardback, IV+426 p., 220 x 280 mm. ISBN 9782902685776. The image of the castle, as seen in its numerous and varied facets, was the central theme of the 24th Chateau Gaillard colloquium he… Plus…

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Actes du colloque international de Stirling (Ecosse). 2008. Chateau et representations, - P. Ettel, A.-M. Flambard Hericher, T.E. McNeill (eds.);
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P. Ettel, A.-M. Flambard Hericher, T.E. McNeill (eds.);:
Actes du colloque international de Stirling (Ecosse). 2008. Chateau et representations, - edition reliée, livre de poche

2010, ISBN: 9782902685776

[SC: 12.5], [PU: Turnhout Brepols 2010], HISTOIRE HISTORY COLLOQ KASTEEL ARCHEO ARCHAEO, Hardback, IV+426 p., 220 x 280 mm. ISBN 9782902685776. The image of the castle, as seen in its num… Plus…

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P. Ettel, A.-M. Flambard Hericher, T.E. McNeill (eds.);:
Actes du colloque international de Stirling (Ecosse). 2008. Chateau et representations, - edition reliée, livre de poche

2010, ISBN: 9782902685776

Turnhout Brepols 2010. Hardback, IV+426 p., 220 x 280 mm. ISBN 9782902685776. The image of the castle, as seen in its numerous and varied facets, was the central theme of the 24th Chatea… Plus…

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Détails sur le livre
Chateau Gaillard 24: Château et représentations

The image of the castle, as seen in its numerous and varied facets, was the central theme of the 24th Chateau Gaillard colloquium held in 2008. The image can as easily find its expression through documents or iconographic sources as it can be found in the results of archaeological excavation. The meeting of these points of view naturally raises questions concerning the part of fantasy that an illuminator has recourse to, the role of symbolism or the fantastical that are encompassed in descriptions of fortresses or literary tales, or even the influence of legends on the restoration of certain sites. Examples from across Europe and beyond, as far as the Latin East, draw attention to the castles exteriors and interiors, to the image of the castle that the inhabitants wish to project, and to the external views that they wish to enjoy. The image of the castle is also its function. Medievalists know that castles are not just military fortresses, but the debate remains open as to whether one function dominates another: is the castle first and formost a lordly residence that facilitates the exercise of power? The question necessarily involves re-evaluating castle typology, slowly but surely informed by recent discoveries.

Informations détaillées sur le livre - Chateau Gaillard 24: Château et représentations

EAN (ISBN-13): 9782902685776
ISBN (ISBN-10): 2902685777
Version reliée
Livre de poche
Date de parution: 2010
Editeur: Ettel, P. Flambard Hericher, A. -M, McNeill, T. E. BREPOLS PUBL
276 Pages
Poids: 1,238 kg
Langue: fre/Französisch

Livre dans la base de données depuis 2010-10-08T11:29:12+02:00 (Paris)
Livre trouvé récemment le 2025-01-12T11:55:28+01:00 (Paris)
ISBN/EAN: 9782902685776

ISBN - Autres types d'écriture:
2-902685-77-7, 978-2-902685-77-6
Autres types d'écriture et termes associés:
Auteur du livre: peter ettel, crahm, flambard hericher
Titre du livre: chateau gaillard 2008, chateau gaillard stirling, septembre, french chateau, english, château gaillard etudes castellologie médiévale, chateau gaillard études castellologie médiévale, actes colloque

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